Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lewis has a comfy spot on the clothes dryer after his baths. He seems to love hanging with some warm towels on top of the dryer while it's vibrating beneath him. I think this technique could be in the family for awhile.
Getting kisses from big brother.
Lewis is getting so big already. Today I put him in some jammies that were 3-6 mo.!!!
Bath time with Daddy. so precious.
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Julie A said...

He is a chunk. I love chubby babies. How did you have such a big baby?

Bridget Beth said...

I LOOOVE the mohawk :)

AZChelsea said...

Seeing a pic of Lewis on the dryer reminded me of when Asher was around 6 weeks old and was colicky...we honestly used to put him in his car seat and put it on top of the dryer and turn it on to put him to sleep! It worked every time! I know it sounds bad but you'll do anything with a colicky baby! Thankfully it didn't last after 8 weeks. Lewis is totally adorable and Colson looks like such a proud brother!

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