Friday, May 30, 2008

Confessions of an Addict

I know that I'm not the only one, but I have this habit/obsession/addiction/chronic enjoyment of a morning cup of coffee. When Lewis was born he was quite disgruntled, so much so that I cut out coffee and chocolate in an attempt to ease the grumbling. When this didn't really seem to make much difference I jumped back on board the coffee train with quick enthusiasm. I enjoy it so much that I try to find some sort of pastry to accompany the flavor, even if that means a morning cookie. (hey, it was oatmeal raisin. Doesn't that count for something? The raisin part in itself is a compromise.) I know that some day my metabolism won't allow for this kind of indulgence, so I'm enjoying it while I can.

Is this coffee thing a nation-wide condition, or it is a sure sign that I was raised in the great Pacific Northwest?
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cacfus said...

I MUST have coffee in the morning. I love the smell, the warmth and the taste. Love it. I love it even more now that I never get to sleep in! It makes it much easier to be up and going.

Chris Steele said...

When I first moved to Louisiana, the only two Starbucks in the area were in Target & an Albertson's. Now they've added several franchises, but down here they're more addicted to coke & sweet tea, so I say it's a NW thing. Can't wait to get back there (10 days and counting!!).

Jen Green said...

I think coffee in general is a nation wide addiction but if you were needing a caramel macchiatto or some sort of espresso every morning it would definitely be a PNW thing. On Saturday mornings Lola and Sam make the coffee together (they have been doing this since she was a newborn) and every time she smells the ground coffee she says, "ummmmm." She hasn't tasted it yet but something tells me when she does she'll be hooked like both of her parents.

Heather said...

Mmhmm. I'd like to say I'm not addicted - I just really really like it! There is a comfort to it. I make biscotti every once in a while to dunk in my coffee. And, no, I don't feel bad about having a cookie in the morning at all!

Jonathan said...

Hey Keriann - I love coffee so much too (and how great does it compliment cookies). I've studied some and if I remember right coffee has been the 2nd most sold commodity, behind oil, for longer than we have been alive. I think that going to the coffeeshop is distinctly a NW or Europe thing -- we're lucky to be from the NW. By the way, I enjoy the blog, tell KC I said hi.

Jonathan said...

Editing my comment, I meant to use the word complement - wrong word, unless the coffee is telling the cookies how great they are, oops.

AZChelsea said...

Actually, down here in Tucson (even when the high is 100+ degrees!) we have to have our caramel lattes and white chocolate mochas as often as we can find the money for them....but starbucks is such an expensive habit that we do have a coffee maker at home and brew coffee on all mornings we can't get starbucks...although interesting to note that my starbucks habit formed in collge at WBC due to having about 10 friends that worked at Starbucks in Salem! I guess it's a really good thing I'm a runner so I can run off all the calories! You'r enot alone!

Anonymous said...

I'll confess, I'm devoted to coffee! :)

Chris said...

i did the same thing when marshall was born! he was gassy as all get out so i cut caffeine! it didn't seem to matter much so i was back on my chai tea habit! there's just something about a warm yummy drink to enjoy first thing in the morning. i think as mom's of little ones we daily need something to look forward to! if it's a cheap cup of coffee how can you argue with that!
on a side note i'm doing some wedding coordinating/assisting this summer and just had my first wedding today at Beckenridge Vinyard. isn't that where you guys got married? anyways, thought of you today!

Julie A said...

This is kinda off the subject but my brother said that he gave you my play station 2. He likes to give away everybodies stuff. Anyways I was just wondering if I could get it back sometime when I am back in town. Thanks.
Julie A

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