Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This Boy

This little face makes me melt. He is so hilarious. I wonder if he knows how much joy and laughter he brings to our home. Here's an example of what comes out of his mouth:

(in the bathtub)

Colson: Is that my bottom right there?
KA: Yes
C: Is that a hole right there?
KA: Yes, and don't touch it, please.
C: Is that a hole right there, where the poop lives?
KA: Yes, Colson, that's where the poop lives. Did you hear me!?! Don't touch it!

and this one this morning after he tried to pick Lewis up off the sofa (don't worry I promptly intervened):

KA: Colson, no, you don't try to pick up your brother.
Colson: yeah, that's only for womenses.


Chris said...

i'm still laughing out loud! he's so funny! i'm so glad to have friends with kids in the next stages of life than me! you're helping prepare me for those moments and i'm so grateful for you!

Sarah Officer said...

That is great! He is so funny! I cannot believe how big Colson is getting. The last time I saw Colson he was just crawling! Miss you guys!

Julie A said...

That is so cute and funny! You have beautiful children!! They are both so handsome and being raised to be respectful men of the Lord. That is a beautiful thing in and of itself. I wish Idaho wasn't so long and we lived closer. How long are you planning on staying in Moscow? I can't wait unitil Ivy starts talking. By the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (even though it is tomorrow) Have a great one!!

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