Let's see, we've been staying busy around here. My blogging motivation goes in waves, this is obviously one of the down turns.
I know I'm pregnant when I'm craving eggs at 10am and obsessed with the opera singer Cecilia Bartoli. She's my favorite to type into youtube. Another sure sign this go around is my non-desire for that morning cup of coffee. This is not normal! I've settled with tea for now. Anybody have any favorites I can try, being that I'm in the tea market these days, and quite the novice, I might add?
I got to see baby 2 weeks ago via ultrasound. I know that the little darling looks more like a twitching insect I dug out of Milk Creek when I was in Jr High and inspected under microscope, but I already feel pangs of love and joy for this new little life. Oh, I am thrilled!
And now....for some pictures...(of course)...
He's still taking his time learning to walk. He can go quite a ways when he knows that there is a point B from his point A. He doesn't just walk off into oblivion. He's cautious. I like that. But there is also the go-getter in him. Last night we took him to a little park and he got filthy and had a ball climbing and sliding. As Colson always says, "What a baby!"
An older woman once told me that gifts to your children that involve wheels are always a great investment because they can be passed along, and no matter the age or sex, they all will use and love them. Here's Lewis' start on Colson's old trike. He looks disgruntled. He's probably mad he's not able to keep up with his brother yet as his feet can hardly reach the petals.
Speaking of disgruntled...
This is the face 3 year old's make when they can't button up their britches.
Batman Lives:
And the adventures never cease...
These two have got something special going on. It melts a mommy's heart.
Ok, hope you enjoyed the pictures. The weather is too nice to stay inside. I've got to get busy and do all my housework so that we can go on an adventure when lewis wakes up, and besides, I need to go take care of someone in the bathroom yelling for me.